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If our students are to receive the very best of help, it is essential that close links are built between home and school and that parents and teachers support one another. For this reason parents are always encouraged to share the knowledge and understanding they have of their children. Parents’ evenings, social events and coffee mornings/afternoons play an important part in fostering parental involvement with the school.  We also encourage daily/weekly communication through a home/school book which can be looked at daily and is signed weekly.

We appreciate that parents may need the opportunity to share their worries, so time is always made available for them to come in and talk with an appropriate member of staff.

As parents, you are entitled to be kept fully informed about all school activities affecting your child's education.  Two parents/carers meetings take place each year, which provide an opportunity to discuss your child's learning. At some point in the year we also hold  an annual review or EHCP conversion which involves a meeting between class teachers, parents, your child and other professionals. We look at the students’s statement and assess progress made towards its objectives.  Targets are set in an Individual learning Plan (ILP) which are reviewed termly.

There are also various social occasions for parents to attend during the year, including a Christmas and Summer show, a Presentation Assembly and Sports Day in the summer term. These are important opportunities for both students and parents, to meet and socialise, and celebrate progress and  achievement.

Communication is vital to us.  We have a weekly newsletter which comes out on a Thursday, which is full of important information about up and coming activities. We also produce a colourful termly magazine with articles from staff on highlights of the term.


Parents receive a copy of their child's timetable at the beginning of the school year. Should you require more detailed information, about such things as schemes of work or the curriculum being followed, they are available on our website. Alternatively, you can contact the school to arrange a convenient time to come in and view them. Similarly, inspection copies of school policies, reports about the school etc. will always be made available to you.